Passing Specs per Ruby Implementation

This page shows the number of passing ruby/spec specs per Ruby implementation. This page is updated daily and automatically with GitHub Actions on this repository.

Specs excluded by a Ruby implementation (via tags) are not run, as those may cause a fatal error and abort the process, and also they are not run in that implementation's CI. Specs are run on a Ruby implementation with no extra options, i.e., with the default behavior a user would see. The only exception is using --dev on JRuby so it runs specs slightly faster. More details are available in this related blog post.

More Ruby implementations are welcome via PRs. See this workflow for how it works.

Group CRuby 3.3 TruffleRuby dev JRuby dev
RUBY_VERSION 3.3.7 3.3.7 3.4.2
Command-line 100% of 161 specs 87.0% of 161 specs 92.0% of 162 specs
Language 100% of 2809 specs 98.7% of 2815 specs 98.5% of 2813 specs
Core Library 100% of 23468 specs 96.4% of 23581 specs 97.3% of 23534 specs
Standard Library 100% of 6894 specs 97.8% of 7052 specs 90.0% of 6821 specs
36 specs
100% 100% 97.2%
TOTAL without C-API specs 100% 33368 passing
in 1min 10s
96.8% 32582 passing
in 2min 52s
95.9% 31986 passing
in 14min 14s
C-API 100% of 1539 specs 98.2% of 1538 specs 0.0% of 1539 specs
TOTAL 100% 34907 passing
in 1min 39s
96.9% 34092 passing
in 3min 9s
91.6% 31986 passing
in 14min 14s